Sunday, November 9, 2008

Illustration Friday: Wise

I don't know why but owl comes to mind first when I think of that I should draw for this weeks topic...


Tracy said...

Your owls are ADORABLE! :) I thought of owls, too, but decided to go a different route. These are great!

Nina Seven N7 said...

I love your owls - your work is so clean and fresh!

flower girl said...

Lovely owls. Nice work =)

damon said...

to cute

Sónia Cântara said...

So cute! Your owls are delicious!

Jutta said...

Such sweet owls! I like the colors a lot.

Michelle said...

these guys are adorable! Like the other work on your blog too!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet!!

Carli said...


Buskitten said...

Lovely technique Liz - Love it!
Best Wishes,

Catalina Alvarez said...

I love them!

Gina Perry said...

These are beautiful! Really nice style.

Ria said...

A very sweet owls!

Samantha Hughes said...

So very very cute! Seems like Owls were an inspiration for many of us.

lil kim said...

These are the cutest owls ever! (and I'm sure they're very wise too)

tusen said...

sweeties :) I like their unusual colours, too.
Although lots of people go for owls in this topic, it's interesting to see so many different interpretations.

Amy C said...

I love pink and I love owls, this is adorable

Anonymous said...

Would make a great business card or clothing tag or something similar. !!!

Kerry said...

dear liz, cute owls! i made a blog...